2024 Base de Datos para Conducción Autónoma. Sensores y Sincronización J. Giribet , I. Mas , A. Roca , and 4 more authors 2024 Software de Control de Misión para Operaciones Robóticas de Largo Plazo basado en OpenMCT y ROS2 De Cruz B. , and C. Rosito 2024 Catamaran Guazu: Embarcacion Autonoma para Monitoreo de Espejos de Agua y Aplicaciones de Robotica Acuatica S. Pierini , C. Rosito, G. Torre , and 4 more authors 2024 2019 Concept, Design and Implementation of a 1U CubeSat Structure N. Conde , C. Rosito, L. Garategaray , and 6 more authors In 2nd IAA Latin American Symposium on Small Satellites , Nov 2019 Bib PDF @inproceedings{alksjf, author = {Conde, N. and Rosito, C. and Garategaray, L. and Burroni, T. and Beccari, E. and Mucanna, C. and Penida, M. and Escobar, M. and López, L.}, booktitle = {2nd IAA Latin American Symposium on Small Satellites}, editor = {IAA}, title = {Concept, Design and Implementation of a 1U CubeSat Structure}, year = {2019}, month = nov, url = {http://}, } Pujllay: the first Nanosatellite Engineering Model developed in UNSAM C. Mucanna , N. Conde , C. Rosito, and 4 more authors In 2nd IAA Latin American Symposium on Small Satellites , Nov 2019 Bib PDF @inproceedings{asdisajd, author = {Mucanna, C. and Conde, N. and Rosito, C. and Escobar, M. and López, L. and Penida, M. and Socolovsky, H.}, booktitle = {2nd IAA Latin American Symposium on Small Satellites}, editor = {IAA}, title = {Pujllay: the first Nanosatellite Engineering Model developed in UNSAM}, year = {2019}, month = nov, url = {http://}, } An Experience of Satellite UHF - Ground Stations as the Basis for Academic Cooperation L. Gratton , M. Buscher , C. Rosito, and 3 more authors In 12th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation , May 2019 Bib PDF @inproceedings{kasldjaslkdj, author = {Gratton, L. and Buscher, M. and Rosito, C. and Kapitola, S. and Jirawattanaphol, A. and Marinsek, S.}, booktitle = {12th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation}, editor = {IAA}, title = {An Experience of Satellite UHF - Ground Stations as the Basis for Academic Cooperation}, year = {2019}, month = may, address = {Berlin, Germany}, url = {http://}, } 2018 HIL Test-bed for Autonomous Satellite Formation Flying M. España , J. Relloso , C. Rosito, and 4 more authors In United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs/CONAE Argentina Workshop on the Applications of Global Navigation Satellite Systems , Mar 2018 Bib PDF @inproceedings{HILTEST2018, author = {España, M. and Relloso, J. and Rosito, C. and Argibay, J.F. and Rosetani, D. and Laudari, A and Husain, S.}, title = {HIL Test-bed for Autonomous Satellite Formation Flying}, booktitle = {United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs/CONAE Argentina Workshop on the Applications of Global Navigation Satellite Systems}, year = {2018}, month = mar, address = {Falda del Carmen, Argentina}, organization = {UNOOSA/CONAE}, url = {https://www.unoosa.org/documents/pdf/psa/gnss/Argentina2018/14.pdf}, } 2017 Distributed Space Platform for Lateral SAR Swath Revisit: Geometry, Guidance and Control Claus M. Rosito , and Martín España In Proceedings of the 1st IAA Latin American Symposium on Small Satellites , Mar 2017 Bib PDF @inproceedings{IAAALASS17, author = {Rosito, Claus M. and España, Martín}, title = {Distributed Space Platform for Lateral SAR Swath Revisit: Geometry, Guidance and Control}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st IAA Latin American Symposium on Small Satellites}, year = {2017}, month = mar, address = {Buenos Aires, Argentina}, publisher = {IAA}, url = {https://iaaspace.org/publications/book-series/#PUB-BookVol2}, } 2012 Mapeo automático y generación de mapas a partir de información de pozos petroleros R. Elencwajg , M. Maurette , C. Rosito, and 5 more authors In TAMI 2012 (Cursos y Seminarios de Matemática - Serie B) , Mar 2012 Bib PDF @inproceedings{TAMI2012, author = {Elencwajg, R. and Maurette, M. and Rosito, C. and Alvarez, P. and Beratz, S. and Charo, G. and Sosa, E. and Stein, A.}, booktitle = {TAMI 2012 (Cursos y Seminarios de Matemática - Serie B)}, title = {Mapeo automático y generación de mapas a partir de información de pozos petroleros}, year = {2012}, volume = {8}, number = {}, pages = {}, doi = {}, issn = {1851-1491}, url = {http://cms.dm.uba.ar/depto/public/serie%20B/serieB8.pdf}, } Diseño e implementación de un quadrotor de vuelo autónomo Ariel Lutenberg , Alan Kharsansky , Claus Rosito, and 3 more authors In Proceedings del Congreso Argentino de Sistemas Embebidos , Mar 2012 Bib PDF @inproceedings{CASE2012, author = {Lutenberg, Ariel and Kharsansky, Alan and Rosito, Claus and Roasio, Federico and Schermuk, Daniel and Espósito, José}, booktitle = {Proceedings del Congreso Argentino de Sistemas Embebidos}, title = {Diseño e implementación de un quadrotor de vuelo autónomo}, year = {2012}, volume = {6}, number = {}, pages = {275-8}, doi = {}, isbn = {978-987-9374-82-5}, url = {http://www.sase.com.ar/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/case2012_memorias_pp235-end.pdf}, } 2010 Optimización del transporte de caña de azúcar desde el Productor al Ingenio, en la provincial de Tucumán I. Ojea , F. Carra , C. Rosito, and 7 more authors In TAMI 2010 (Cursos y Seminarios de Matemática - Serie B) , Mar 2010 Bib PDF @inproceedings{TAMI2010, author = {Ojea, I. and Carra, F. and Rosito, C. and Will, A. and Basso, S. and Charo, G. and Diez, O. and Moldavsky, I. and Salvagni, L. and Rodriguez, S.}, booktitle = {TAMI 2010 (Cursos y Seminarios de Matemática - Serie B)}, title = {Optimización del transporte de caña de azúcar desde el Productor al Ingenio, en la provincial de Tucumán}, year = {2010}, volume = {6}, number = {}, pages = {}, doi = {}, issn = {1851-1491}, url = {http://cms.dm.uba.ar/depto/public/CyS6.pdf}, } 2009 A Spaceborne Telemetry Loaded Bifilar Helical Antenna for LEO Satellites Dante Colantonio , and Claus Rosito In Proceedings of the 2009 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference (IMOC) , Mar 2009 Bib PDF @inproceedings{5427481, author = {Colantonio, Dante and Rosito, Claus}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2009 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference (IMOC)}, title = {A Spaceborne Telemetry Loaded Bifilar Helical Antenna for LEO Satellites}, year = {2009}, volume = {}, number = {}, pages = {741-745}, doi = {10.1109/IMOC.2009.5427481}, url = {http://doi.org/10.1109/IMOC.2009.5427481}, }